The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Employee Commitment in Islamic Banking


  • Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso Professor, Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan Assistant Professor, Government College University Hyderabad. Author


Islamic banking, organizational culture, job satisfaction, employee commitment, mediation analysis


This examination concentrate on means to investigate and look at the interceding job of occupation fulfillment in the connection between hierarchical culture and worker responsibility inside the setting of Islamic banking. Islamic banking, in view of the standards of Shariah, works under a one of a kind hierarchical culture that stresses moral practices, social obligation, and adherence to Islamic qualities. Representative responsibility is crucial for the achievement and maintainability of Islamic financial foundations, as it encourages devotion, inspiration, and commitment among workers. Understanding the elements that add to worker responsibility, especially the intervening job of occupation fulfillment, is urgent for upgrading authoritative execution and making long haul progress in Islamic banking. The hypothetical system of this study depends on the coordination of three key builds: hierarchical culture, work fulfillment, and representative responsibility. Hierarchical culture includes the common convictions, values, standards, and practices that shape the workplace and impact worker ways of behaving and mentalities. Work fulfillment mirrors a singular's degree of happiness and satisfaction with their work, including different factors, for example, remuneration, balance between fun and serious activities, profession advancement potential open doors, and employer stability. Worker responsibility alludes to the profound connection, distinguishing proof, and devotion of representatives towards their association, prompting expanded optional exertion and reliability. The examination philosophy for this study will embrace a blended techniques approach. At first, a far reaching survey of the current writing will be led to lay out a hypothetical establishment and distinguish the important elements and connections inside the Islamic financial setting. This audit will be trailed by observational examination including quantitative information assortment through reviews and subjective information assortment through interviews. The overview will be regulated to an example of representatives working in Islamic financial organizations, while meetings will be directed with key partners like supervisors and human asset faculty. Factual examination procedures, including intervention examination, will be utilized to look at the interceding job of occupation fulfillment in the connection between authoritative culture and representative responsibility. The discoveries of this examination will add to the current assemblage of information on Islamic banking, authoritative way of behaving, and human asset the executives. The outcomes will reveal insight into the effect of hierarchical culture on worker responsibility and the hidden component of occupation fulfillment as a go between in this relationship. The review expects to give functional experiences and proposals to Islamic financial foundations to improve worker responsibility by developing a positive hierarchical culture that advances work fulfillment. These proposals might incorporate cultivating a strong workplace, giving sufficient preparation and improvement open doors, guaranteeing fair pay and advantages, and adjusting hierarchical practices to Islamic qualities and standards. This examination study is huge as it tends to a basic hole in the writing by zeroing in explicitly on the setting of Islamic banking. By looking at the intervening job of occupation fulfillment, it offers a far reaching comprehension of the mind boggling elements between hierarchical culture, representative perspectives, and hierarchical results in Islamic financial foundations. The discoveries will be significant for Islamic financial experts, policymakers, and researchers, empowering them to foster methodologies and mediations that advance representative responsibility and by and large authoritative outcome in the Islamic financial area.


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How to Cite

The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Employee Commitment in Islamic Banking. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 13-30.

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