Analyzing the impact of age inverse relationship on the job satisfaction of older subordinates


  • Nosheen Nawaz Lecturer and PhD scholar in the Institute of business management and administrative sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Author
  • Dr. Syed Muhammad Javed Iqbal Associate Professor in the Department of leadership and Business management (Institute of Business Management and Administrative sciences), The Islamia university of Bahawalpur Author


age inverse relationship, job satisfaction, LMX relationship quality, organizational justice


One of the most peculiar hallmarks of this century’s workplace transfiguration which is influencing employers around the globe is evident in age diverse workforce. The present research is a step forward in understanding the constituents of a non-normative work group discovered as a by-product of the age diversity and merit based promotion and selection criteria pertinent to the ultramodern 21st century. The non-normative workgroup which forms the focus of this study consists of the younger supervisor-older subordinate dyad. The present study was aimed at identifying the factors which influence the job satisfaction of the older subordinates working in an age incongruent relationship with a younger boss. The hypothesized impact of age difference, LMX relationship quality and perceived organizational justice on job satisfaction of the older faculty members in public sector universities of Punjab (Pakistan) was investigated. The impact of ageism as a moderator on the hypothesized direct relationships was also checked.  Primary data on the study variables was taken on a structured questionnaire from 207 older subordinate faculty members using judgmental sampling technique. The data was analyzed using PLS-SEM technique in smartpls version 3.2. The results of the analysis reveal that age difference significantly negatively influences job satisfaction of the older faculty members. Job satisfaction of the older subordinates is found to be strongly predicted by procedural justice and LMX relationship quality. Ageism was found to moderate the relationship of job satisfaction and LMX quality. The results of the study can be utilized by the organizational behavior researchers to further extend their work in the domain of relational demography specifically related to age inverse supervisor and subordinate dyad. The study is not only helpful to guide the future research, but also, aids the practitioners in better understanding of the older employee when he reports to a younger boss. This enhanced understanding can help in effective decision making and management of the older employees in organizations generally and in academic institutions specifically.


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How to Cite

Analyzing the impact of age inverse relationship on the job satisfaction of older subordinates. (2021). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 2(3), 78-92.

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