Determinants of Innovative Work Behavior – A Model of Innovative Work Behavior for IT Sector Professionals Through the Application of Jd-R Theory
autonomy, creative self-efficacy, creativity role expectations, eustress, innovative work behavior, intellectual stimulation, job demands-resources, resiliency, work engagement, workloadAbstract
This research study is concerned with determinants of innovative work behavior under the application of Job demands-resources (JD-R) theory. The study examined pluralistic impact of job demands, job resources and personal resources on innovative work behavior through the sequential mediation role of employee eustress (positive stress) and engagement. Data was collected from 398 knowledge workers of IT sector of Pakistan using a well-structured survey questionnaire. PLS-SEM data analysis technique was opted using Smart-PLS software. Job demands (creativity role expectations and workload), job resources (autonomy, intellectual stimulation) and personal resources (creative self-efficacy, resiliency) were confirmed as determinants of innovative work behavior directly and through the mediating mechanism of employee eustress and engagement. This research study contributes to innovation and JD-R theories with novel empirical knowledge by evaluating the role of job demands, job resources and personal resources on employee innovative work behavior. The study’s specific contribution pertains to delaminating a sequential mediating role of eustress (positive stress) and employee engagement between job demands, job resources, personal resources and innovative work behavior which is new addition to relevant theories because this perspective has not been studied so far. The study equally contributes to the relevant practices as well. The findings of this study enlighten the decision makers of IT sector with valuable knowledge about innovative work behavior of employees that can be stimulated to optimal extent by increasing eustress and employee engagement by setting rational and challenge demands for employees, hiring workers with self-enriched innovation specific personal resources and provisioning of job resources that are supportive to innovative work behavior of employees.
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