Misfortune Tragedy Findings in Pakistan: A Public Learning Perspective on Virtue of Economic Recovery Mindset


  • Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan Assistant Professor, Government College University Hyderabad. Author
  • Professor Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso Professor, Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan. Author




Financial Virtue, Economic Growth Rate, Disaster, Disaster Management, Prevention, Emergencies


Disasters are related to misfortune and obliteration regarding life, property, social, financial, and natural viewpoints. The recurrence of Disasters has consistently expanded lately, particularly in Asian nations. Pakistan is one of the nation’s defenseless against normal and manufactured Disasters yet needs sufficient common assurance measures. The report centers around a portion of the key advantages that can be accomplished with a proper calamity in the executive’s structure or strategies and starts with a straightforward strategy. Pakistan's developing troubles are not exclusively because of the idea of the issues it faces; They were likewise, and maybe undeniably, because of how these issues were settled. Take the instance of the vast number of individuals driven from their homes by downpours and flooding (many, as in Karachi, by dangerous breezes). To say that everybody was a casualty of the savagery and impulses of nature will add an affront to the infringement. The calamity that has happened to them is man-made, credited to wild components. They have paid, and keep on paying, to find some peace with a framework that has placed human existence at the greatest cost ever, that has mistreated the ruler and the managed, that has taken all power and assets under the control of a couple of in Headquarters, and that has diminished common and nearby authorities to the impact of kids. who need to request little kindness like helicopters to drop nourishment for themselves. The charming skeletons.



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How to Cite

Misfortune Tragedy Findings in Pakistan: A Public Learning Perspective on Virtue of Economic Recovery Mindset. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(2), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.5281/43jeq056

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