A Correlational Study of Leadership Support, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction in Public Sector Employees
leadership support, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, job satisfaction public sector, employeesAbstract
Leadership support within an organization plays a crucial role in strengthening the employees' connection to the organization. The significance of job satisfaction plays a crucial role in assessing the performance and success of the public sector. Employees in the public sector encounter various challenges within their work environment, which can impact their job satisfaction, productivity, and overall well-being. Elements such as inadequate leadership support, diminished self-efficacy, and insufficient emotional intelligence may lead to decreased job satisfaction among public sector employees. This research study aims to examine the relationship between leadership style, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job satisfaction public sector employees. The objective of the study is 1) To examine the relationship among leadership style, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job satisfaction public sector employees. Whereas, the Hypothesis described is 1) There is no significant relationship among leadership support, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job satisfaction public sector employees. This research study was conducted using a descriptive type with a quantitative approach. The researcher proposes a population of employees engaged in the public sector. The researcher determined a sample size of 400 for questionnaire distribution, with a target of 250 completed responses required for analysis. The five-point Likert scale was developed and utilized to gather data from respondents. The respondents were assured that the data would be utilized solely for the purposes of this research study. The collected data after analysis revealed that there is a strong correlation between the variables such as, leadership style, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job satisfaction. The leaders with effective leadership style can run the organizational matters smoothly with highest productivity. Those leaders who have the skills to deal with the emotions of the employees can develop their self-efficacy and inspire that brings jobs satisfaction among them resulting better organizational productivity.
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