Exploring the Existing Quality Teaching Practices in Classroom at Secondary Schools Level


  • Dr. Azhar Mahmood Associate Professor/Chairperson, Department of Educational Leadership & Management, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad. Author
  • Dr. Khadija Karim Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sardar Bhadur Khan Womens University Quetta. Author
  • Dr. Sufi Amin Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership & Management, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad. Author


Quality, Quality Education, 21th Century Skills, Quality Teaching


Students are active learners in the 21st century rather than simple listener or spectators. According to Saavedra and Opfer (2012) 21st century skills and competencies are complex and often challenging to teach. Thus the purpose of this study was to find out existing teaching practices in the classroom at secondary school level, point out gaps between existing teaching practices and demand of the quality teaching in the 21st century as well as to discuss quality teaching in the new era. Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Research Design was used to get data while applying Mixed Methods Approach. Population of the study was secondary school learners/students, secondary school teachers and principals. Sample was selected randomly from all over the Pakistan. Self-structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview was used as research tools. The validity of the research tools was sufficiently ensured. Internal consistency and reliability of the survey questionnaire were checked through Cronbach’s alpha and the overall reliability was found as 0.83. Data were collected by personal visits. Quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS using appropriate statistical techniques and qualitative data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Findings were drawn and recommendations were given on the basis of conclusion of the study. Data were collected through accurate, reliable, valid, and well-designed tools. It was properly organized, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted through modern statistical methods i.e. Percentages, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, chi-square. Thematic analysis technique was employed for qualitative data analysis. It is an accessible, flexible, and most popular method of qualitative data analysis. It is a method for systematically identifying, organizing, and offering insight into, patterns of meaning (themes) across a dataset (Braun & Clarke, 2012).


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How to Cite

Exploring the Existing Quality Teaching Practices in Classroom at Secondary Schools Level. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 869-879. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/352

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