Embracing Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions (Heis) in Balochistan During The Covid-19 Era


  • Asgahar Ali Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Greenwich University Karachi, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. S. Khurram Khan Alwi Assistant Professor, Department of Teachers of Education, Federal Urdu University Arts Science and Technology, Karachi. Author


Technological Awareness, E-learning, Digital Leadership Skills, Higher Education, COVID-19 Pandemic, Digital Transformation, Paradigm Shift


This study investigates the impact of digital transformation on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Balochistan during the COVID-19 era, focusing on challenges faced by students and faculty members. The background underscores the unprecedented disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting the Higher Education Commission in Pakistan to transition HEIs to e-learning. The objectives of the study were; (1) To discuss the role of digital transformation for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Balochistan during the COVID-19 pandemic era, and (2) To find out the challenges associated with the paradigm shift for the students and faculty members in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Balochistan. The design of the study was explanatory sequential mix method with 314 male and 213 female students and 35 faculty members as respondents. Quantitative data collected through questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics (Percentage, Frequency, Mean Score), and qualitative data collected through focus group discussion were analyzed with the help of thematic analysis. The study findings revealed widespread agreement on digital transformation enhancing flexibility, preference-based learning, and providing educational opportunities, but mixed opinions on extending education beyond classrooms and faculty skills. The study contributes valuable insights into the experiences of students and faculty, highlighting both positive and negative effects. The conclusion emphasizes the significant improvements brought about by digital transformation, such as enhanced education quality and expanded resource access. However, challenges like digital literacy and infrastructure limitations persist, necessitating strategic interventions for the full realization of e-learning's potential in Baluchistan's higher education landscape.


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How to Cite

Embracing Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions (Heis) in Balochistan During The Covid-19 Era. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(4), 390-413. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/196

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