Analyze The Relationship Between Teaching Styles of Teachers and Learning of Students


  • Aizah Umar MPhil Scholar, (Educator). Author
  • Muhammad Hussnain MPhil Scholar, IT (Educator). Author
  • Naeem Akhtar PhD Scholar, My University, Assistant Professor, IMCB, F-8/4 Islamabad. Author
  • Dr. Rubina Rahat Assistant Professor Department of Education, MY University, Islamabad. Author


Analyze Relationship, Teaching style of Teachers, Learning of Students


Children who receive early childhood education have a head start on their journey to college or a profession. So, all children benefit from high-quality preschool due to their teachers. Teachers are good agents and listeners to engaged their students in active participation in the knowledge processes, they motivate them in seeking further knowledge and to improve the learning of students. Analyse the relationship between teaching styles of teachers and learning of students was the study's main goal. The objectives of the study was to identify teaching styles of teachers and learning of students and to analyze the relationship between teachers, teaching styles and learning of student. In this research the population of the study was 1503 teachers in which 450 male and 1053 female teachers from 328 public primary schools of Gujarkhan. The sample was 307 teachers selected by convenience sampling technique. Researcher use self developed questionnaires as a tool and respondents were teachers for teaching style of teachers and learning of ECE students. The researcher personally collected the data of the study. The researcher analyzed the data using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The findings of the study revealed that teachers were satisfied by the teaching styles of ECE teachers as they can help in learning of ECE students. This teaching style of ECE teachers can manage several issues easily. The findings reveal that majority of teachers preferred activities-based teaching style, child centered teaching style, play based teaching style of ECE teachers. The result also shows that the teachers’ teaching style give an influence towards the learning of students and their academic performance. From this research we continued that these teaching style of ECE teachers have significant impact on students learning and their academic performances. Based on the conclusion, it is recommended that teachers of ECE students may receive training on how to use different teaching styles most effectively for academic goals. This will help them improve their students' learning at a high to very high level.


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How to Cite

Analyze The Relationship Between Teaching Styles of Teachers and Learning of Students. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 366-381.

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