To analyze Transformational Leadership and OCB an effect on Organizational Commitment: Higher Education Teaching Faculty of Pakistan


  • Shahnawaz Tunio Government Arts & Commerce College, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan. Author
  • Narjis Unar Department of Education, Institute of business management Karachi. Author
  • Rakshanda Jabeen PhD Scholar , Department of Education , Institute of business management Karachi. Author


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, organizational commitment, Training & Development, Transformational Leadership


Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is denoted to additional efforts or out of context role played by employee(s) which is beyond one’s formal job description prescribed by the organization. OCB is not actually a written agreement or it may not be required from an ordinary worker, but this behavior has great importance and likely desired in the organizational settings. Leader toils to his level best to mold follower's (employee) attitude towards organizational targets. Leadership remained a vital topic under various theorists but the Transformational Leadership was the most prominent. As higher education institutes are a hub of high level education providing places of any country, subsequently the educational standard and quality of deliverance have much more importance for them. The behavioral difference amongst university teachers’ worth require professional growth so teacher ship cannot be isolated from the development. Quality enhancement is essential for the individuals who are related with teaching and learning environment. Here, to explore the effects of OCB on the OC explicitly in connection to higher education teaching faculty of Pakistan. It portrays the significance of OCB in the enhancement of efficiency of firm and furthermore to determine the influencing and generating factors of OC. This study comprehends the correlation of transformational leadership, T & D chances, work and life plans & empowerment activities with organizational commitment and to evaluate significance of OCB of teachers in the triumph of their respective institutions in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

To analyze Transformational Leadership and OCB an effect on Organizational Commitment: Higher Education Teaching Faculty of Pakistan. (2022). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 3(2), 125-134.

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