Leading the Innovation: Role of Eustress and Work Engagement as Simultaneous Mediators Between Jd-R and Innovative Work Behavior


  • Ahmed Raza Khan Department of Business Management Studies, Bahia University Business School, Karachi Campus, Pakistan. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7521-7461
  • Dr. Aamir Firoz Shamsi Senior Professor Department of Business Management Studies, Bahia University Business School, Karachi Campus, Pakistan. Author


Autonomy, creative self-efficacy, creativity role expectations, eustress, innovative work behavior, intellectual stimulation, job demands-resources, resilience, work engagement, workload


Purpose: The purpose of study is to explore that how job demands-resources can significantly impact individual state of eustress and work engagement to promote employees’ innovative work behavior.

Methodology: Qualitative data has been collected from 40 x managers performing supervisory role over the workers involved in organizational creativity and innovation.  A semi-structured survey interview has been formulated for qualitative data collection. Interview contents of interviewees have been written and also recorded on audio tape for further analysis. Thematic content analysis technique has been used for content analysis and extraction of themes.

Findings: Themes emerged from thematic analysis of qualitative data reveal that Job demands (creativity role expectations & workload), job resources (autonomy & intellectual stimulation) and personal resources (creative self-efficacy & resilience have direct relationship with innovative work behavior. Moreover, eustress and work engagement act as simultaneous mediators between job demands-resources and innovative work behavior of employees.

Originality/ Value: The research study contributes to innovation and JD-R theories with new empirical knowledge by explaining linking mechanism between job demands, job resources and personal resources and innovative work behavior. The core novel contribution of the study is simultaneous mediating role of eustress and work engagement between JD-R and innovative work behavior. Moreover, the study has explored positive role of job demands to stimulate eustress and work engagement that impact innovative work behavior of employees to promote organizational innovativeness.



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How to Cite

Leading the Innovation: Role of Eustress and Work Engagement as Simultaneous Mediators Between Jd-R and Innovative Work Behavior. (2022). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 3(2), 218-228. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/84

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