Exploring The Factors and Effect of Sustainable Reverse Logistic Capabilities in The Petrochemical Industry of Pakistan
Sustainable Reverse Logistics, Petrochemical Industry, PakistanAbstract
This study examined the influence of sustainable reverse logistics capabilities on the petrochemical industry in Pakistan. It showed that the degree to which organizations are committed to sustainable supply chain management affects the level of commitment to sustainable reverse logistics and subsequent operational performance. The findings revealed that sustainable reverse logistics capabilities have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between commitment to sustainability and operational performance within the petrochemical industry in Pakistan. Sustainable reverse logistics capabilities help increase the benefits of the commitment to sustainability and enhance the performance of the industry overall. By increasing their commitment to sustainability, organizations within the petrochemical industry of Pakistan can benefit from the positive effect of sustainable reverse logistics capabilities and consequently improve their operational performance. The findings indicate that organizations engaged in sustainable supply chain management must be aware of the importance of sustainable reverse logistics capabilities and take appropriate steps to maximize efficiencies during the reverse logistics process. This study provides guidelines that would enable petrochemical firms to become more environmentally conscious which may result in improved performance. However, it should be noted that the scope of the study was limited due to geographical and technological constraints, as well as restrictions in the sample size, and may not be generalizable to other industries.
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