Effect of Trading Companies Share on Investor's Attitude and Financial Behavior


  • Shah Muhammad Kamran Assistant Professor, Mehran University Institute of Science & Technology Development, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan. Author
  • Waqar Ahmed Sethar Assistant Professor, Mehran University Institute of Science & Technology Development, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan. Author
  • Amanullah Parhyar Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Government College University Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Author
  • Jawed Baloch Master of Business Administration, Mehran University Institute of Science & Technology Development, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan Author


Financial Behavior, Investor Attitudes, Traders, Brokers and Investors Behavior, Positive and negative Experience, Investment Decision, Stock Trade


Pakistan is a developing country with an unpredictable market nature of shareholder-investors observing the company's performance. This research could help companies understand financial behavior, attitude, and investors' satisfaction in the stock trade. Financial behavior is a comparatively new subject in Pakistan; therefore, this study has examined investors' financial behavior and attitude. Behavioral finance has attempted to understand how positive experiences influence investors' financial behavior. This study has found that investor satisfaction is most potently influenced by the positive financial behavior of investors and traders in stock trading; positive experience and brokers' suggestions strengthen the investment decisions of investors and increase behavior loyalty to prefer preferred stock. The primary purpose of this study is to find factors that affect the positive experiences with stock trading on investors' and trader's satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty, and financial behavior in Pakistan. The research framework links with experiences in stock trade for positive (negative) experiences, attitudes, and financial behavior. The research framework is measured data from a sample of Karachi and Karachi Stock Exchange; the data is analyzed in smart PLS based on PLS-SEM. This study focused on trading experience with the company's active investors and traders in the banking industry in Pakistan. This study will determine the experiences with positive (negative) financial behavior, attitude, satisfaction, and behavioral loyalty of investors and traders in the stock trade. Therefore, this study area will help understand investors' and traders' attitudes, preferences, and financial behavior in the financial market.


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How to Cite

Effect of Trading Companies Share on Investor’s Attitude and Financial Behavior. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 390-405. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/253

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