Systematic Evaluation of Existing Policies and Practices in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and their Implications for Employment and Industrial Growth in Pakistan


  • Hina Altaf (Corresponding Author) Tsinghua University, Beijing Author
  • Qurat Al Ain Shabir Punjab University, Lahore. Author


Gender inclusivity, Public-private partnerships, Labour market demands, Curriculum development, Youth employment


A country's industrial progress and economic development are ultimately influenced by the skilled and marketable workforce that is shaped by Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). This research critically assesses the current TVET policies and practices in Pakistan, illuminating their efficacy and industrial and employment implications. In order to provide a thorough review, the research uses a multimodal approach that includes policy analysis, stakeholder interviews, and empirical data. There are advantages and disadvantages to the TVET policies that are now in place. Even though steps have been taken to improve skill development and match training programs to business demands, issues with infrastructure, industry participation, and curriculum relevance still exist. These fault lines in Pakistan's TVET sector hinder the effectiveness of training programs, leading to a mismatch between the skills acquired by graduates and the demands of the labor market. The study evaluates the degree to which TVET policies are resulting in concrete consequences for employment and industrial advancement and investigates implementation shortcomings. Through an examination of job market changes, unemployment rates, and the skill gap, the effect of TVET on employment is closely examined. The study looks into whether the skills graduates of TVET programs are able to use to fill the gaps in a rapidly changing labor market. Moreover, it delves into how TVET promotes self-employment and entrepreneurship, adding to a comprehensive comprehension of its influence on the labor market. The research looks at how responsive TVET graduates are to the demands of various industries in order to evaluate the impact of TVET on industry. It looks into how much industry involvement there is in the planning and implementation of TVET programs, assessing how well partnerships work to guarantee that graduates have the skills that employers demand. The study also takes into account how flexible TVET graduates are in response to changing business requirements and technological breakthroughs. Furthermore, this research draws lessons from the TVET sector in the Philippines, where strong industry partnerships, innovative curriculum design, and robust quality assurance mechanisms have significantly enhanced the alignment of TVET with labor market needs. These insights are crucial for informing the development of more effective TVET policies in Pakistan. In the end, the goal of this critical evaluation is to offer insights and suggestions to industry stakeholders, educators, and policymakers to improve how well TVET practices and regulations are aligned with the changing needs of the Pakistani labor market. The aim is to maximize TVET's contribution to industrial growth and job creation by leveraging effective tactics and resolving the obstacles that have been identified using the Logical Framework Matrix.


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How to Cite

Systematic Evaluation of Existing Policies and Practices in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and their Implications for Employment and Industrial Growth in Pakistan. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(2), 140-165.

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