Does Feedback Foster or Hinder Innovative Work Behavior of Nurses? The Mediating Role of Cognitive Appraisal


  • Lubaina Dawood Baig Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Malik Faisal Azeem Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, UNIVERSITE TELUQ. Author
  • Dr. Adil Tahir Paracha Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Author


Feedback, Cognitive Appraisal, Innovative Work Behavior, Conservation of Resources Theory, Nurses


This study intends to examine the impact of feedback on innovative work behavior (IWB) directly and indirectly through cognitive appraisal. The study was based on quantitative methodology. Data was collected through simple random sampling from nurses working in tertiary hospitals of twin cities (Rawalpindi and Islamabad) in Pakistan. Further, quantitative data was analyzed by SPSS and AMOS. The results imply that feedback can indirectly promote or inhibit innovative work behavior through cognitive appraisal, depending on whether viewed as a challenge or a threat. Thereby nursing management should implement training and development programs so that nurses can view feedback as a challenge that could positively impact innovative work behavior.


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How to Cite

Does Feedback Foster or Hinder Innovative Work Behavior of Nurses? The Mediating Role of Cognitive Appraisal. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(4), 53-69.

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