Effect of Analogies on Developing Understanding of Concepts of Geometry


  • Aftab Ahmad Khan Ph. D., Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Anees ul Husnain Shah Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, D.G Khan Campus. Author
  • Zeshan Umar M. Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author


Analogies, Concept understanding, Concepts of Geometry


Students of any level always find concepts of geometry to be challenging. Poor conceptual knowledge is the cause of poor performance in geometry. In the current study, grade eight students' comprehension of geometry concepts was improved by the use of analogies as a teaching method. The research study was quasi-experimental in nature and employed a Nonequivalent Control group design. The sample of the study consisted of two intact groups: the experimental (N = 33) and the control (N = 35). The schools included in the sample were selected randomly from among high schools where the researcher could seek permission to conduct the study. The tool was a self-developed achievement test based on a chapter from the eighth-grade math textbook. According to the study's findings, students were able to define and clarify geometrical concepts in their own terms, as well as connect and apply those concepts to everyday situations, by using analogies. This demonstrated unequivocally that the pupils' grasp of the concepts of geometry was developed through the usage of analogies.


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How to Cite

Effect of Analogies on Developing Understanding of Concepts of Geometry. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 441-449. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/421

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