Role of Interactive Method in Developing Creativity Among 5th Graders


  • Aftab Ahmad Khan Ph. D, Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author
  • Tahira Parveen M Phil Scholar, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author
  • Muhammad Ansar Abbas M. Phil Scholar, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author
  • Zeshan Umar M. Phil Scholar, Department of Education, University of Jhang. Author


Interactive method, creativity, quasi-experimental, teaching of English, students


The current study investigates how interactive teaching methods foster creativity in fifth-grade students. It was a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group design. Out of all the high schools in Tehsil Jhang, two were chosen randomly. Two intact classes of fifth-graders from the selected schools, one from each (control, N = 33) and (experimental, N = 28), served as the sample of the study. The tool to be used for the research study was developed by the researcher based on the English textbook for class five. The findings of the study showed that, on measures of creativity, the experimental group did significantly better. It was observed that the experimental group was actively participating in the learning process. Also, that group was more confident in presenting creative solutions to the problems. This proved the effectiveness of the interactive method in fostering creativity.


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How to Cite

Role of Interactive Method in Developing Creativity Among 5th Graders. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 356-365.

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