Building Students Creative Thinking Ability Through STEM Integrated Curriculum: An Experiment on Elementary School Students


  • Sabir Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. Author
  • Sabir Hussain M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab، Pakistan۔ Author
  • Zarmina Khan M.Phil. Education, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, Faisalabad Campus, Punjab, Pakistan. Author
  • Rai Muzammal Ali Khan M.Phil. Education, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, Faisalabad Campus, Punjab, Pakistan. Author


Students creative thinking, STEM integrated curriculum, Elementary school students, New trends in education, Students performance


With the passage of time, changes in the way of life of man have taken place and are taking place. Likewise, new inventions are increasing day by day. The use and role of these inventions in human life has been very important in every age. Many researchers are conducting research in the field of education, and new teaching methods are being discovered, which are not only making teaching learning easier but also increasing the mental performance of students. Educational psychologists are conducting new experiments daily to better understand students’ cognitive abilities so that students can easily switch to science, technology, engineering, and math. For this purpose, present experimental research was conducted with the aim to increase students’ creative thinking through an integrated curriculum. For this experiment, two groups of seventh-grade students were made; one group was taught the traditional curriculum, and the other group was taught the STEM integrated curriculum; this treatment continued for six months. After that, the post-test of both groups was conducted, and the creative thinking of the students treated through the STEM-integrated curriculum increased to a surprising level. Based on the results of this research, it is recommended that a STEM-integrated curriculum should be taught instead of a traditional curriculum to develop creative thinking abilities in students.


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How to Cite

Building Students Creative Thinking Ability Through STEM Integrated Curriculum: An Experiment on Elementary School Students. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 12-24.

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