Comparison Between Virtual Reality and Integrating Blended Learning Flipped Classroom Model: An Experiment on Secondary School Students


  • Masood Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. Author
  • Sabir Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. Author
  • Fakhar-Ul-Zaman Visiting Lecturer of Education, University of Narowal, Punjab, Pakistan. Author
  • Abdul Qahar PhD. Scholar; Secondary Teacher Education, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan. Author


Blended Teaching, Flipped Classroom Model, Virtual Reality Gadgets, Learning outcomes, Pedagogy


Blended Teaching Flipped Classroom Model and Integrating Virtual Reality are new teaching trends in education; if these integrated with education, they will make teaching much more accessible, and it can also work as a teacher. Through Blended Teaching Flipped Classroom Model and Integrating Virtual Reality, students learn very quickly with pre-videos, lectures and learning material through already feed in Cellular Tablets and discussion in WhatsApp group, and Virtual Reality actual videos, materials and senses in VR Gadgets. The purpose of this research was to conduct a practical experiment to compare the Blended Teaching Flipped Classroom Model and Integrating Virtual Reality to see the students' learning level and the level of students' excitement and engagement. This educational experiment was conducted on Boys Government High School No. 1 Dera Ghazi Khan Class 10th students. For this purpose, two groups of average intelligent students were formed by taking the pre-test. These groups consisted of 15 to 15 students who were given four months of treatment through Blended Teaching Flipped Classroom Model and through Virtual Reality Gadgets. Then, the data were collected and interpreted through statistical tools. From this experiment, it was found that the excitement and engagement of the students taught through Virtual Reality Gadgets were very high, and the scores on the achievement test were also very high. It is recommended that teachers should be aware of this new teaching method in educational institutions. The government should also allocate a specific budget for Virtual Reality Gadgets.


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How to Cite

Comparison Between Virtual Reality and Integrating Blended Learning Flipped Classroom Model: An Experiment on Secondary School Students. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-11.

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