Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students


  • Amna Said Lecturer, Islamabad Model College for Girls (IMCG) F-6/2, FDE, Islamabad. Author
  • Shamsa Aziz Associate Professor, International Islamic University Islamabad. Author


Higher Order Thinking Skills, General Science, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking


This study explores the level of developed analytical skills in elementary school students and analyzes the level of developed synthesis skills in elementary level students. Moreover, it investigates elementary level students’ developed skills related to evaluation by assessing the current level of higher order thinking skills among elementary level students. In order to assess these skills the researchers developed a test consisting upon multiple choice questions (MCQ’s) from general science subject prescribed for elementary level students. The final version after pilot test and determination of item analysis contained 18 multiple choice questions (MCQ’s). The study was delimited to Islamabad model colleges for girls located in urban area. As per list of Federal Directorate of Education, thirty-four colleges of females are located in urban area. The researchers utilized systematic sampling and selected every fifth college from the list provided by Federal Directorate of Education (FDE). As double stage sampling is utilized by researchers. At the first stage, female colleges located in urban area of Islamabad were selected. The sample selected for study was 341 students. The data obtained as a result were analyzed by calculating percentage of students on the basis of scores obtained. The findings of research study showed that most of the students are falling in below average level regarding higher order thinking skills. Students are not capable of applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating the data. The findings provide implications for teachers, heads of the educational institutes and assessment bodies. Teachers need to be encouraged to use student-centered approaches. In order to train teachers seminars, workshops and conferences may be organized at school level on regular basis to guide teachers regarding assessment.


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How to Cite

Assessing Higher Order Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 25-41.

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