Comprehensive Qualitative Analysis of Women in Educational Leadership and their Impact on Organizational Effectiveness: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities


  • Ms. Farzana Parveen PhD, Scholar Author
  • Prof. Dr. Anjum Bano Kazmi Professor, Department of Education and Learning Sciences, Iqra University Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Author


Women in Educational Leadership, Educational Policy Matters, Gender Bias, Structural Arrangements in Organizations, Coping Strategies


This research aimed to explore public opinions regarding women's roles in higher-level educational leadership positions in Pakistan and examine the correlation between managerial leadership styles and organizational performance. This study sheds light on the obstacles female educational leaders face in retaining their positions of authority within the Karachi Sindh province, Pakistan. Additionally, it explores the strategies they employ to navigate these challenges. The qualitative research design with case study used   to collect the data   from 15 female educational leaders in 07 districts of Karachi, Sindh through semi-structured interviews, field notes, and observations data, specifically from the department of school education managers who are working currently in higher-level leadership roles, in seven districts. The study findings highlight the multitude of challenges these female educational managers encounter in their professional settings, which hinder their effectiveness and efficiency in administrative roles. To address these challenges, the participating female educational leaders identified several effective strategies, including pursuing professional development courses, seeking mentorship, receiving family support, fostering collaboration, and developing a cultural understanding. Moreover, study recommends several measures to empower female educational leaders in effectively addressing these challenges, furthermore, study include the advocating for a mandatory requirement for a degree in educational management and leadership for those in educational leadership roles, this involves establishing an effective onboarding procedure for new leaders and initiating adjustments at the policy level.


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How to Cite

Comprehensive Qualitative Analysis of Women in Educational Leadership and their Impact on Organizational Effectiveness: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3), 162-169.

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