Understanding Workplace Dehumanization: Combined Effects of Tyrannical Leadership and Trait anxiety on Employee Ostracism and Burnout
Tyrannical Leadership, Trait anxiety, Employee Ostracism, BurnoutAbstract
This study aims to provide empirical evidence of the direct impact of tyrannical leadership on employee ostracism and burnout within organizational settings. Additionally, it explores the indirect influence of tyrannical leadership on employee ostracism and burnout, with a focus on the mediating mechanism of organizational dehumanization. Furthermore, this research underscores the exacerbating role of trait anxiety in the relationship between tyrannical leadership, employee ostracism, and burnout. The theoretical framework for this study draws upon both the betrayal trauma theory and the conservation of resources theory to formulate and test hypotheses. The findings of this study reveal a significant positive association between the presence of tyrannical leadership and subordinates' experiences of ostracism and burnout. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that workplace dehumanization serves as a partial mediator in the relationship between tyrannical leadership, employee ostracism, and burnout. These results have practical implications for organizations, emphasizing the importance of implementing effective strategies to control and mitigate the detrimental effects of tyrannical leadership on employee well-being. Finally, this research contributes significantly to the theoretical understanding of both tyrannical leadership and dehumanization literature, shedding light on the complex dynamics at play in organizational contexts.
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