Educational Policies: “Issues and Challenges in Implementation”


  • Abul Rauf PhD, Scholar, Education, University of Karachi Author
  • Prof: Dr. Shagufta Shahzadi Professor & Dean Department, Education, University of Karachi Author


Educational policy, higher education institutions (HEIs), implementation, Karachi, Pakistan


The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of educational policies and analyses the issues and challenges encountered in implementing educational in these institutions. This study's research design used a mixed method research strategy, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methodologies. This study has obtained a wide variety of data that can be examined using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis by combining the survey technique for quantitative data collection with in-depth interviews for qualitative data collection. The quantitative study conducts a thorough evaluation of the information provided by 339 respondents who are affiliated with higher education institutions. It explores implementation, obstacles, and other facets of educational policy. The quantitative analysis reveals respondent viewpoints on subjects including standardized testing, resource limitations, and vocational education through frequencies, percentages, and descriptive data. The results support earlier studies and highlight the need for sensible, flexible strategies that deal with practical issues. Communication, stakeholder participation, policy flexibility, and alignment with institutional requirements all stand out as essential components. A critical need arises for a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving policymakers, academic leaders, and faculty members to reevaluate and refine existing educational policies. The government should focus on enhancing collaboration between stakeholders, such as policymakers, educational administrators, faculty members, and students, to foster a more coordinated effort toward policy execution.


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How to Cite

Educational Policies: “Issues and Challenges in Implementation”. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3), 128-139.

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