Exploring The Efficacy of Distinct Theoretical Stances to Promote Employee Creativity and Innovation at Workplace


  • Ahmed Raza Khan Department of Business Management Studies Bahia University Business School, Karachi Campus, Pakistan. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7521-7461
  • Dr. Aamir Firoz Shamsi Senior Professor Department of Business Management Studies Bahia University Business School, Karachi Campus, Pakistan. Author


Ambidexterity theory, componential theory, creativity and innovation, diffusion of innovation theory, Ford’s model, four factor theory, inter-actionist perspective


The current study has investigated the impact of distinct theoretical interventions on employee creativity and innovation. The study is explanatory in nature where deductive approach to theorizing has been opted. Study has been conducted on 300 x HR managers working in textile industry of Pakistan. A well structured questionnaire has been used through survey procedure for collection of first hand data from the research participants. SPSS software application has been used for integration and interpretation of study outcomes. The findings of study revealed that DOI theoretical interventions, inter-actionist theoretical interventions, four factor theoretical interventions, social cognitive theoretical interventions and ambidexterity theoretical interventions have positive and significant relationship with employee creativity and innovation. In contrast, componential theoretical interventions and Ford’s model theoretical interventions have not positive and significant relationships with employee creativity and innovation. The study has contributed to creativity and innovation literature with novel empirical knowledge. Furthermore, the study has also practical implications for practitioners of textile industry. Since, upon implementation of interventions suggested by current study can augment employees’ creativity and innovation in organizational perspective.



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How to Cite

Exploring The Efficacy of Distinct Theoretical Stances to Promote Employee Creativity and Innovation at Workplace. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(1), 13-26. http://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/50

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