A Syntactic Analysis of Compound Noun Phrase of Balochi within the perspective of X-bar Theory


  • Faraz Ahmed MS Scholar, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Balochistan, Pakistan Author
  • Zahid Ali Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Government College University Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Shoaib Khan Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Government College University Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Mullazai MS Scholar, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Balochistan, Pakistan Author


Compound Noun phrase, X-bar theory, Complements, Tree diagram, Noun Modifiers, Pre-headed


The current study aims to investigate, describe, and analyze the noun phrase of the Balochi language within the perspective of an X-bar theory. The present study seeks to describe the compound noun phrases. The work designates the structure and function of Balochi Noun phrases and analysis it in an X-bar convention. Compound noun phrases are analyzed and described under the theoretical framework of Chomsky’s X-bar theory originated in 1970 then further he developed it in 1980, 81, 88. The X-bar Theory of Phrase Structures by Noam Chomsky (1980; 81; 88) was used to inform the research, particularly on the internal categories of the NP. The data for the concerned research work were collected through unstructured interviews from three native speakers of the Balochi language. For the collection of data, descriptive research design was used. The study resolute Balochi is head-last language since nearly all the elements within the Balochi Noun phrases are pre-headed. The head word of Balochi exists at the last of the phrase. Different modifiers are used within the noun phrases in Balochi. They are specifiers, complements, and adjuncts, which are used with different phrases to add extra information. Different phrases of Balochi were used with the help of tree diagram, using an X-bar convention.



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How to Cite

A Syntactic Analysis of Compound Noun Phrase of Balochi within the perspective of X-bar Theory. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3), 289-304. http://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/25

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