Exploring the Impact of Age and Gender on Perceived Talent Management in the Banking Industry: A Cross-Sectional Survey(Age and Gender's Impact on Talent Management in Banking)


  • Dr. Naira Qazi Assistant Professor, Hyderabad Institute of Arts Science and Technology. Author
  • Prof. Dr. Seema Nigah-e-Mumtaz Chair Department of Community Medicine, National University of Medical Sciences. Author
  • Annam Inayyat PhD Scholar, Isra University, Hyderabad. Author


Talent Management, Banking Industry, Age, Gender, Employee Satisfaction


This study investigated the perceived impact of talent management on banking industry employees, focusing on age and gender. A total of 822 participants, including 276 managers and 522 high-potential employees, were surveyed from 276 banks in Karachi and interior Sindh. The study identified several variables related to talent management, including talent management strategy, talent attraction and retention, staffing practices, talent development, and employees’ concerns and rewards. The results suggest that a well-defined talent management strategy, attractive compensation packages, a diverse and qualified workforce, ongoing talent development, and effective communication and recognition of employee contributions are critical factors in attracting and retaining talent in the banking industry. The study found no significant association between age or gender and perceived talent management in the banking industry. However, self-reported data and industry focus limit the study’s generalizability.



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How to Cite

Exploring the Impact of Age and Gender on Perceived Talent Management in the Banking Industry: A Cross-Sectional Survey(Age and Gender’s Impact on Talent Management in Banking). (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3), 386-399. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/32

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