An Investigation of The Impact of Interpersonal Management Skills on Employees` Inspiration


  • Dr. Murtaza Ali Laghari (Corresponding Author) Assistant Director, Directorate of Curriculum Assessment and Research, SE&LD, Sindh, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Abida Siddiqui Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Author
  • Momina Musarat Head Mistress, School Education and Literacy Department, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Author


Interpersonal Management Skills, Inspiration, Institution, Employee


This study intends to investigate the impact of interpersonal management skills on employees` inspiration. The performance of any group truly hinges on how well its members can connect and communicate with each other and the people involved outside the group. So, interpersonal management skills are pretty crucial for a lot of organizations. It's tough to hit your goals without solid without interpersonal management skills. This research was carried out using a quantitative survey design, with data collected through the distribution of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were disseminated to high school educators. The study comprised 66 secondary schools and their heads from the Hyderabad District, encompassing a total of 2,907 teachers. From this group, 153 teachers were selected based on the rule of thumb (Curry, 2006) to participate as the research sample. The technique employed to determine the research sample for this study was simple random sampling. The data collected were analyzed utilizing SPSS software. The research uncovered several important findings pertaining to the objectives. This research has revealed a significant finding: interpersonal management skills within the institution have a measurable impact on employee motivation. The impact is contingent upon the role that leaders play in fostering interpersonal management skills. The study concluded that leaders' interpersonal management skills serve as a source of inspiration for employees, guiding the institution toward improved outcomes.


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How to Cite

An Investigation of The Impact of Interpersonal Management Skills on Employees` Inspiration. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 382-387.

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