Developing 4Cs Skills through Problem-Based Learning Method in the Subject of Mathematics
4Cs skills, Problem Based Learning, Experimental study, Mathematics’ learning, Pakistani contextAbstract
The study aimed to use Problem-based learning (PBL) method for developing 4Cs skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking) among the students enrolled in the subject of mathematics. It was an experimental study where pre-test post-test equivalent group design was utilized. Study participants were 9th grade students. Based on the pretest findings, the sample was separated into two equal groups. The experimental group, received instruction using the problem-based learning method, was given opportunity to work independently, discussing work with their group members, assessing other fellows' work, and finally express their ideas in front of the entire class. Students in the control group, on the other hand, worked individually using traditional learning approaches. The procedure was carried out for a period of 30 days. The difference in the mean scores of the groups was determined using the t-test. The significant differences were found between both groups, with better results in the experimental group. The study concluded that PBL learning is preferable than traditional learning for developing 4Cs skills in the subject of mathematics.
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