Learning English Language Through Literary Piece: Insights from A Survey at University Level Students in Sindh, Pakistan
Literature, English Language Learning, Grammar, Genres, Language SkillsAbstract
The present study explores the role of English literature in the enhancement of four language skills and domains (vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation) among undergraduate English students in Pakistan. To do so, a qualitative approach was adopted to collect data from university students and faculty. Results of the survey showed that participants found English literature a helpful and interesting tool to learn the language better. Literature is seen as providing an authentic context for language learning and providing authentic models of language use. By utilizing the native language in order to comprehend the inner meaning of the text, reading literature assisted the learners to develop their vocabulary and analysis/interpretation skills. Furthermore, respondents believed that grammar is a dominant factor for understanding literature, and thus, should be integrated into the teaching process. Overall, literature was deemed a valuable resource in teaching communicative language.
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