In-Service Teachers Perception about The Effectiveness of Brainstorming Strategy at Elementary Level


  • Mehr Bakht Fatima Jinnah Women University the Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Maria Bibi Fatima Jinnah Women University the Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Author


Brainstorming Strategy, Effectiveness, teachers’ Perception, Elementary level


The study aimed to measure the in-Service teachers’ perception about the effectiveness of brainstorming strategy at elementary level. Contemporary teaching is considered as collaboration, communication, and participation. It is believed that a collaborating class must include participation in order to guarantee learner-centered teaching and better outcomes. Brainstorming is one of the techniques to approach student-centered learning in the light of the fact that it is an open sharing activity, which is generally led in small groups to empower involvement. This study described the in-service elementary teachers’ perception about brainstorming strategy and the role of teachers in execution of brainstorming strategy. The study used the descriptive approach of research. The population of the study was F.G Public schools in Rawalpindi City.  With the help of convenience sampling, 50 elementary school teachers were selected as a sample of the study. To answer the research questions of the study, the study used a quantitative approach in which questionnaire was used to obtain data from the concerned samples. Descriptive statistics: percentages were used to analyze the data. Quantitative data indicates that teachers think brainstorming is an effective strategy of teaching at elementary level and it is very useful for better understanding of the learners and for motivating them. It is expected that the results would be helpful for in-service teachers, prospective teachers, and students. Thus, it is suggested that the curriculum developers should add brainstorming activities in elementary level textbooks.


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How to Cite

In-Service Teachers Perception about The Effectiveness of Brainstorming Strategy at Elementary Level. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 14-24.

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