Comparative Analysis of Inquiry-Based Learning and Lecture Method on Academic Achievement at Higher Secondary Level
Inquiry-Based Learning, Lecture Method, Academic Achievement, Secondary LevelAbstract
The main purpose of the present study is to find out the comparative analysis of Inquiry Based Learning and traditional lecture method on academic achievement of students at higher secondary school level in the subject of accounting. The objective of the study was: To find out the comparative analysis Inquiry-based learning and traditional lecture method on academic achievement of students at Higher Secondary school. On the basis of pre-test scores, control and experimental groups were formed randomly. Pre-test was used as post-test as well as for retention. Study comprised of eight weeks. Lesson plans were prepared on the basis of Inquiry Based Learning for experimental group while control group was taught by usual traditional method. T-test was used to compare the results. All the ethical considerations are kept in mind while conducting this research. It is concluded that the use of Inquiry Based Learning in teaching of accounting was more effective than traditional learning. It is recommended for higher Secondary School teachers to apply this method more frequently in the classroom for teaching of Accounting. It is recommended that teachers may be established high level of interaction through questioning as it promotes involvement, enhances learning and motivates students
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