Teacher's Competencies and The Use of Ict Tools in Secondary Education


  • Sadoor Ahmad Ph.D. Scholar, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad. Author
  • Dr. Azhar Majeed Qureshi Assistant Professor of Science Education, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. Author


Learning, technology, knowledge, teaching, education


The present study was intended to explore teachers, competencies, and the use of ICT tools at the secondary school level. The study was quantitative. The population of the research comprises public secondary and higher secondary schools in the district of Swabi.  A questionnaire and a checklist were used as research tools.  A total of 43 items and a distinct questionnaire were created, with options for a 5-point Likert scale created for each item, which were used to collect data. The study's findings revealed that most educators think that using information and communication technology (ICTs) enhances secondary education instruction. Information and communications technology (ICT) may be used to enhance education by being integrated into all aspects of teaching at the school level, such as e-learning, e-pedagogy, and e-assessment. Communicating with parents is made considerably easier with the use of ICT technology.  They demonstrated a keen interest in looking through reputable sources, including books, journals, booklets, and instructional websites.  It was also concluded that the frequency of using ICT tools did not change statistically significantly based on the respondent's gender, school-based diploma, or academic background. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference in the practices of the participants was found according to their degree of experience. The gathered data was analyzed using both inferential (such as ANOVA and the independent-sample t-test) and descriptive (mean, and SD) statistics. It may be recommended to establish professional development initiatives that aim to improve teachers' abilities to use ICT tools efficiently. Pre-service teacher education programs should include instruction on ICT integration to make sure that future educators have the skills they need from the beginning of their careers.  Evaluation techniques may be provided that accurately gauge instructors' ICT proficiency as well as the effect of ICT integration on student learning results.


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How to Cite

Teacher’s Competencies and The Use of Ict Tools in Secondary Education. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(1), 713-734. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/324

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