The Mediating Influence of Financial Literacy between the Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Development


  • Md Obaidur Rahman PhD Scholar, Project Management Department, Belhaven University, Mississippi, USA Author
  • Muhammad Mansour Khaled Makableh PhD Scholar, Project Management Department, Belhaven University, Mississippi, USA Author


Financial inclusion, financial literacy, sustainable development


The goal of this study was to examine the mediating effect of financial literacy on the financial inclusion and sustainable development in Bangladesh. On the basis of questionnaire survey, a PLS SEM model was used with 359 collected data samples from the residents of Dhaka in Bangladesh. The results found financial inclusion positively impacts the sustainable development by both direct and indirect effects. The findings of this study provides a useful contribution and practical implication for the government and financial institutions.


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How to Cite

The Mediating Influence of Financial Literacy between the Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Development. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(2), 370-389.

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