Empowering Indigenous Peoples through their Rights in Large Development Projects Provided by International Organizations
Communities, Diversity, Excluded groups, Indigenous rights, Natural Resources, Reconstruct, Self- IdentificationAbstract
This paper aims to explore the characteristics of Indigenous Peoples, their specific rights according to the United Nations and other international financial organizations related to development that cause displacement. The international organizations are provided the safeguard policies to the people who were forcibly dislocated in the development of the large development projects such as, water reservoirs, natural resources extraction, freeways, urban development projects etc. According to UN reports that the five thousand communities are from indigenous peoples. These communities endowed with rich natural resources but always at high risk to relocation from their ancestral land and this type of displacement is named communities displaced for the larger interest of the country. It is reported that under the umbrella of United Nation’s organizations and other international financial lending agencies created safeguard policies for the indigenous communities. However, most of the developed countries implemented these safeguard policies and rehabilitate economic and social losses of the indigenous peoples whereas the third world countries did not mitigate or rehabilitate the losses of these indigenous communities.
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