Foreign Direct Investment Impact on Employment, Education and Social Development in Balochistan


  • Aftab Aslam Deputy Registrar, University of Makran, Pajgur, Balochistan. Author
  • Dr. Siraj Bashir Department of Social Work, University of Balochistan. Author
  • Sajid Hayat Advocate Balochistan High Court, Balochistan. Author
  • Imtiaz Ahmed MS Scholar Department of Management Sciences at BUITEMS Quetta Author


Education and Social Development, Impacts, FDI, Employment, Balochistan


In this research, Balochistan, Pakistan—a region with serious developmental problems and untapped economic potential—was used as a study site to investigate the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on employment, social development, and education. The primary objective is to assess how foreign direct investment (FDI) affects different aspects of the province's growth. Using a mixed-methods approach, quantitative analysis and qualitative insights were used. Quantitative data on FDI inflows, job trends, and social and educational variables were collected during a ten-year period. Regression analysis is one of the statistical techniques used to examine the relationships between FDI and the three development elements. The findings indicate a strong positive correlation between employment and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Balochistan. The local population's unemployment and poverty rates have decreased as a consequence of foreign direct investment (FDI). This is especially evident in industries like mining, energy, and infrastructure, where FDI has been inflowing. Significant improvements in living circumstances, healthcare facilities, and infrastructure have resulted from FDI, which has also had a significant influence on social development. Balochistan’s general quality of life has improved as a result of these advancements. Additionally, foreign direct investment has been essential to the advancement of education. Education institutions have benefited from investments, which have reduced the educational gap, increased accessibility, and given local youngsters the skills they need to compete in the global labour market. The research results emphasize how foreign direct investment (FDI) may significantly impact Balochistan by creating jobs, promoting social progress, and improving education. With a focus on recruiting and regulating FDI to optimize its advantages for local development, this has wider implications for policy design. To ensure that the local populace benefits fully from FDI-driven progress in Balochistan, it also advocates for a more equal and inclusive sharing of these advantages. All in all, the study advances knowledge on how foreign direct investment affects developing nations and offers guidance to decision-makers who want to use FDI for sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Foreign Direct Investment Impact on Employment, Education and Social Development in Balochistan. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(4), 414-450.

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