Teachers’ Attitude and Level of Knowledge towards Integration of ICT into Pedagogy


  • Tanzeela Alam Instructor, Virtual University of Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Farhana Khurshid Associate Professor, Education Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Author
  • Dr. Aneela Alam Lecturer, University of Education, Attock Campus. Author


Teachers’ attitude, Teachers level of knowledge, Integration of ICT, Pedagogy


Current paper investigates attitudes of secondary school teachers towards integration of ICT into pedagogy and their level of knowledge on ICT. This research was conducted in the context of barriers in integration of ICT by the teachers. Through quantitative method questionnaire was distributed to 100 teachers in 10 secondary schools of Rawalpindi district. Attitude scale containing 15 items and teachers level of knowledge on ICT scale containing 14 items was used to identify teacher’s attitude and level of knowledge towards the use of ICT into pedagogy. Data was analysed by using SPSS 16 for descriptive statistics. Through mean score and standard deviation, attitudes and knowledge level of teachers were identified as high, moderate and low level. Findings of the present study revealed that overall teachers had positive attitudes towards the use of ICT with mean score (3.5), and high level of knowledge towards 3 areas out of 14 mentioned in the scale. Teachers’ held positive attitudes towards ICT use. However teachers lack of knowledge in use of ICT was identified as a main barrier in integration of ICT. The results suggest additional work and consideration in the use of ICT in educational settings than it currently receives.


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How to Cite

Teachers’ Attitude and Level of Knowledge towards Integration of ICT into Pedagogy. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 47-57. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/308

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