Teacher Professional Beliefs and Identity: An Insight into the Professional Development of Primary School Teachers in Pakistan


  • Bakht Rawan MPhil (Education), Center for Education and Staff Training, University of Swat, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Nasir Ahmad Assistant Professor, Center for Education and Staff Training, University of Swat, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Sajjad Hussain Assistant Professor, Centre for Education and Staff Training, University of Swat, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Nasir Shaheen Assistant Professor, Centre for commerce and management sciences University of swat, Pakistan Author


School Teachers, Professional beliefs, Professional identity


This research study analyzed the relationship between teacher professional beliefs and identity of primary school teacher for their professional in Pakistan. A representative sample of 342 primary school teachers were randomly selected from all the primary school teachers of District Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Data was collected from sample teachers through a questionnaire developed by the researcher. The questionnaire has been structured into two principal sections, which are professional beliefs and professional identity. The latter section has been further classified into five sub-sections, each representing a distinct aspect of professional identity. These sub-sections include self-esteem, professional commitment, work motivation, task orientation, and job satisfaction. The data collected was analyzed using chi-square and correlation analysis. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between the teacher's professional beliefs and various components of their professional identity. It was recommended that teachers may be provided ample opportunities to enhance their knowledge of professional beliefs and identity, and skills for professional development. These opportunities may be provided through workshops, conferences, and graduate-level coursework.



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How to Cite

Teacher Professional Beliefs and Identity: An Insight into the Professional Development of Primary School Teachers in Pakistan. (2022). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 3(1), 241-249. https://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/109

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