Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance working in Private Banks in Hyderabad City


  • Bakhtawar Khuwaja MPhil Scholar at Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Author
  • Dr. Abdul Sattar Shah Professor and Director at Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Samiuddin Shaikh Assistant Professor at Institute of Business Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan Author


Motivation, employee performance, Private sector banks, Pakistan


A quantitative research is conducted to determine how motivation affects employee performance and how to it can be practiced, as well as the relationship between motivation and promotion and reward programs in Pakistani private banks. Questionnaires were administered to three levels of staff including high-level, middle-level and frontline managers. A total of 280 closed questionnaires were published among participants to examine motivation and employee performance, and Smart PLS SEM was used to examine the relationship between influences and variables. The results of structural equation modeling show that there is a positive and significant relationship between motivation and employee performance. The results of the current study suggest that Pakistan’s private banking industry should pay attention to rewards and promotions. Employees perform better, but receive less rewards. Prizes and rewards are not based on the number of tasks or workloads. In addition, current research and analysis have increased the importance of motivation and other human resource practices for employee performance in Pakistan’s private banking sector.


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How to Cite

Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance working in Private Banks in Hyderabad City. (2022). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 3(1), 169-178.

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