Examining The Impact of Leadership Characteristics on Motivation of Secondary School Teachers
leadership characteristics, motivation , secondary school teachersAbstract
In the realm of secondary education, the dynamics of leadership within schools and their profound influence on the motivation of Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) have garnered increasing attention, prompting this study to investigate the effect of leadership characteristics on motivation of secondary school teachers. The nature of this study was descriptive. Objectives of the study was, to explore the leadership characteristics of secondary school head, to assess the motivational level of SSTs, to investigate relationships between leadership characteristics and SSTs’ motivation and to examine the effect of leadership characteristics on motivation of SSTs. A questionnaire on five-point Likert scale was developed to collect data from secondary school teachers. Pilot study was conducted to measure the reliability of the questionnaire. All secondary school teachers of Tehsil Trarkhal was the population of the study. 52 SSTs were selected for sample by using simple random sampling technique. It was conclude that head teachers possess the leadership qualities and motivate secondary school teachers to achieve the targets. It is also conclude that the relationship between leadership characteristics and motivation of ssts is positive.
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