Impact of Climate Change on Income of Developing Countries


  • Khush Bukhat Zahid Visiting professor Kashmir institute of economics university of azad Kashmir Muzaffarabad. Author
  • Zafir Ullah Khan Chairman Department of Economics, University of Science & Technology Bannu. Author
  • Muhammad Zubair Director Institute of Management Science, University of Science & Technology Bannu. Author


Climatic Factors, Ordinary Least Square, Two Stage Least Square, Energy Production, Population Growth, Institution, Latitude


This study estimates the impact of climatic factors on developing countries income level by incorporating the geographic, demographic and climatic variable.  The correlation between these variables indicated significant relationship among these variables with expected direction through different linkage. First Ordinary Least Square regression is estimated by adding one or more variable then the model with two Stage Least Square is used to solve the endogeneity problem caused by institution quality by taking energy production and mortality rate as an instrument variables. Results indicated population growth and temperature has negative and significant impact on per capita GDP while precipitation, carbon dioxide and institution has positive impacts while variable for latitude dummy is insignificant.


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How to Cite

Impact of Climate Change on Income of Developing Countries. (2021). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 2(2), 300-314.

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