Influence of Leadership Styles on Organizational Culture, Technology Acceptance, Knowledge Management Process & Capabilities on Organizational Performance
Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Organizational Culture, Technology acceptance, Knowledge management process & capabilities, Moderated Mediation effect, Organizational PerformanceAbstract
Leadership is considered backbone of the organization and played substantial role in exaggerating the organizational performance. The objective of the study is to explore impact of leadership on organizational performance in the presence of the organizational culture where technology acceptance and knowledge management process & capabilities mediate. For this empirical investigation, Microsoft questionnaire survey has been used for the data collection and 447 participants responded on this questionnaire. The findings revealed that leadership has positive association with organizational performance in the presence of organizational culture where technology acceptance and knowledge management process & capabilities play mediating role between leadership and organizational performance. For the regression analysis, SPSS has been used with Hayes’ macro process to evaluate the moderated mediation effect.
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