Effects of Teamwork Team Trust and Training on Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Team Member Exchange


  • Samira Masood Scholar MS, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University Lahore Campus, Pakistan. Author
  • Muhammad Ahsan Chughtai Assistant Professor, Lahore Business School, The University of Lahore Author
  • Dr. Qurratulain Assistant Professor, Lahore Business School, The University of Lahore. Author
  • Dr. Saif Ul Haq Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Bahria University Lahore Campus, Pakistan. Author


Teamwork, Team trust, Training, Team member exchange, Employee performance, SME


This research aims to investigate the effect of teamwork, team trust, and training on employee performance and how team-member exchange (TMX) moderates the relationship between teamwork, team trust, training, and employee performance. The analysis was done through Smart-PLS 3.0 using 210 responses collected from the employees of SMEs. The results show that teamwork, team trust, and training have a significant effect on employee performance, and team member exchange moderates the relationship between teamwork, team trust, and employee performance. This further helps team members to share the knowledge with others and lead towards creativity and they tend to create novelty in their work through learning from others’ mistakes as well. This ultimately accelerates employee performance. However, it is found that team member exchange does not moderate the relationship between training and employee performance. These findings suggest that the management of SMEs in developing countries like Pakistan should encourage a culture of teamwork and team trust in the organizations. This study helps to understand the management of SMEs in the generalizability of the positive relationship of teamwork, team-trust, and training and employee performance in the SME’s of Pakistan.



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How to Cite

Effects of Teamwork Team Trust and Training on Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Team Member Exchange. (2023). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3), 64-93. http://irjmss.com/index.php/irjmss/article/view/8

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