Enhancing the economics performance of manufacturing firms through supply chain sustainability and green management in Pakistan
Green Warehousing, Social Values and Ethics, Logistics Optimization, Supply Chain Risk, Supply Chain SustainabilityAbstract
The study's objective was to investigate how green warehousing, social values and ethics, logistics optimization, and supply chain risk impact the sustainability of SC, ultimately influencing the economic performance of manufacturing companies in Pakistan. Methodology: A quantitative approach was employed to gather data from SC professionals located in Karachi, Pakistan. The sample size is estimated at 150 responses that will be analyzed using multiple regression analysis technique. The anticipated outcomes of this study are likely to demonstrate that green warehousing, social values and ethics, logistics optimization, and SC risk exert a noteworthy influence the sustainability of the SC. Moreover, the managers will be recommended to further improve their warehousing based on reducing the use of paper that will eventually help in mitigating warehouse waste. Also, managers will be recommended to adopt eco-friendly packaging and adopt material that is green for the enhancement of their sustainability in the SC.
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