Problem For Researchers in Selecting Topic in Thesis: A Survey of Universities Scholars of SBA
problems, challenges research, in their study, research scholars, students of research, higher level of research, topic, subject, issueAbstract
This is the age of research and it is believed that research is the key to success in the modern world. We are facing so many problems and these problems can be solved through research, so it is believed that research is the tool of success to get success in the world. Our research topic is to study the problem faced researchers during their research in the district of Shaheed Benazir Abad. this is the quantitative research and survey method by nature this the descriptive tool was used survey questionnaires, the objective of this research is to identify the research problems facing students during their research studies, in terms of A, selection of topics, For this research researcher selected 100 respondents from the two universities Shaheed Benazir Bhutto university Shaheed benazirabad and quest university Shaheed benazirabad. the total respondents were 100 in which 70 male and 30 female, the finding of this result were that most of the respondents were believed that they are facing a lot of problems during their research topics, research scholars are setting these topics with the help of their friends, it was also students finding that supervisor are not getting their feedback on the research topics. Almost students have not basic knowledge about their topics. When the researcher select the problem and face the first seminar for their research students have a lot of problems and supervisors are not providing them full support to select the suitable topic. in this way students waste a lot of their time on topics selecting, the conclusion of this research is that students have not enough knowledge about topics, how to design research topics The students that student should be given full knowledge practically in research course work and students should be provided full guidance on how to develop good research, this is also search out that students given environment during their research and providing them full support in every step of their research.
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