Perceptions of Students Regarding the Use of Kahoot as an Online Formative Assessment Tool


  • Tanzeela Alam PhD Scholar, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Author
  • Dr. Farhana Khurshid Associate Professor, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi. Author


Kahoot, formative assessment, online learning, students’ views, Pakistan


The current study aims to identify students’ views regarding effectiveness of Kahoot as a formative assessment tool in online learning. Classroom action research was conducted and Kurt Lewin Model was followed to plan, implement the intervention, observe and reflect over the activity. After each online session, formative assessment of students was conducted through Kahoot. Five formative assessment quizzes were conducted in total. The nature of the research question demanded a more subjective inquiry. In order to answer this question, focus group discussions were conducted with the students after practically utilizing Kahoot as an online formative assessment tool in online learning. Selected participants were students of B. ED, 3rd semester. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis. Findings of the study highlighted that Kahoot effectively enhanced students’ level of understanding and engagement towards their learning and it provided instant feedback opportunity. Students highlighted that competitive and interactive nature of Kahoot created an environment where students enjoy and reinforce the knowledge. The current study contributed in the existing body of knowledge and research on digital assessment tools by highlighting potential benefits of game-based learning through Kahoot.


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How to Cite

Perceptions of Students Regarding the Use of Kahoot as an Online Formative Assessment Tool. (2024). International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 5(3), 70-89.

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