Effectiveness of School Management Committees in Public Sector Educational Institutions of Islamabad Capital Territory
School Management Committees (SMC), Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), academic and physical uplift, awareness campaignsAbstract
Participation by school management committees is a significant phenomenon in the academic and physical uplift of educational institutions. Their positive engagement and involvement in education is encouraged by governments and educational authorities to help improve educational process on global level. The Government of Pakistan in the provinces and at Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) has taken initiatives to engage the community in education with the same objective. Participatory school management committee bodies such as the School Management Committees (SMC) have been constituted in all public schools under the direction of government across Pakistan. To this end, rules and regulations governing the operation of such school management committees shall be drawn up and each year some financial contribution shall be made to the School to be spent in consultation and assistance of the same. This study aims i) to investigate the level of awareness of role of School Management Committee in educational institutions. Data were collected from 900 respondents, including Area Education Officers, Principals and Teachers from six sectors of Islamabad Capital Territory. Data from the respondents was gathered using three questionnaires. The research is quantitative in nature. The sampling technique employed was convenience sampling as it refers to inclusion of the population based on their accessibility and availability to the researcher. Using the Chi-square test, it was discovered that the educational participation of school management committees in ICT was effective in most aspects, but ineffective in some cases. It is recommended that (i) proper planning may be needed to disseminate the concept of school management committee involvement; (ii) awareness campaigns may be accelerated; (iii) SMC participatory bodies may meet with FDE officers to discuss issues at educational institutions.
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