A Linguistic Study of Lexical Borrowing from English to Urdu
Linguistic Study, English to Urdu, Languages, Various WordsAbstract
Language is the distinguished characteristic of human society and uses as a mean of communication and are in a constant state of change. It cannot remain static or it would cease to exist. Language change is a natural process in every living language including Urdu. In recent years, the influence of English on Urdu has become more noticeable. Urdu has a history of incorporating words and grammatical rules from languages like Turkish, Persian, Arabic, and others. However, the impact of English on Urdu has become particularly evident in the last few decades. Unlike some widely spoken languages worldwide, English has been open to borrow and incorporate words from various older languages. It is believed that modern English contains words and phrases from nearly 120 languages that existed before English as we know it today (David Crystal, 2010). Urdu is also being influenced by English and is taking various words and phrases from it. The most open way is that one language can affect another by borrowing different words.
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